President: Jessica Riedl

Jessica attended her first SWE event as a high school senior visiting Iowa State University where she later earned her BS Mechanical Engineering and MS Agricultural Engineering. Since that time she has attended 10 state, regional, and national SWE conferences, serving as chair for the 2015 Iowa Conference for Women in Engineering. Jessica served as president, vice president, treasurer, and section representative for the Heart of Iowa SWE Section between 2007-2014. Since 2015 she has also served as membership chair, secretary, nominations chair, and now president for the Dubuque Area section.
Jessica enjoys networking with other SWE members, organizing technical tours, and participating in youth outreach activities.
Secretary: Kayla Evens

Though not a collegiate member of SWE, Kayla was very active in the University of Iowa’s student organization, Iowa Baja which participated in the SAE Collegiate Design Series and is excited to get back to the networking and growth that these professional organizations offer. Kayla graduated from the University of Iowa in 2019 with a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering and began her career at John Deere as a hydraulics design engineer for Deere Excavators. Kayla now supports the continuous improvement efforts of hydraulics design for SSL/CTL machines.
Since coming to Dubuque, Kayla has picked up mountain biking and snowboarding that the area has to offer. She and her husband adopted a sweet dog from the Iowa City Animal Care and Adoption Center in February 2021 and have been trying to incorporate her in everything they do – so lots of time spent outdoors!
Treasurer: Emily Crowe

Emily has served in many roles over the years and is excited to be Dubuque SWE’s treasurer. She works as a Structural Engineer at Origin Design, primarily designing buildings. She’s been with Origin since graduating from UW-Platteville in 2013. She loves to stay involved in the community and SWE is a fantastic way to do that. Outreach is very important to the section and Emily enjoys sharing her love of structural engineering with students.
In addition to being active in SWE, Emily enjoys reading, yoga, skiing with her husband, personal finance, and practicing Spanish. She is very excited to attend SWE’s Annual Conference in Chicago in October and Milwaukee’s SWE Local conference in March!